Interactive Compos

In additon to the general rules, all entries for the following competitions must also conform to these additional requirements:

All interactive compos general rules

For video games and similar entries you’re welcome to use a free engine such as Unity so long as the license is compatible with the general compo rules, you clearly state you’ve used it in your README, and you include any libraries necessary to run your entry from within your submission’s directory.

So long as you have made non-trivial improvements to your entry and did not win monetarily valuable awards at previous events we will allow you to enter a previously released production into this compo. Please include the previously released software version and photos / videos for hardware components (if any) along with the new version for comparative purposes, document the differences in your .nfo file, and be prepared to demonstrate these differences to the compo team.

If your hardware platform is novel and homemade you are allowed to compete with a port of a previously released piece of software which you have permission to modify and distribute so long as your architecture is sufficiently different from the platforms it has previously run on.

Your entry must involve interaction with one or more living things that change the state and behavior of your entry.

Designate a representative to demonstrate the entry during the competition. Demonstration time is 5 minutes and if the production was previously released please allocate at least 2 minutes for demonstrating the new features.

VR Compo

Must run as an executable on the compo machine. You’re welcome (and given current compatibility concerns, encouraged) to use a free engine such as Unity so long as the license is compatible with the general compo rules, you clearly state you’ve used it in your README, and you include any libraries necessary to run your entry from within your submission’s directory.

We will have access to an HTC Vive, an Oculus Rift DK2 or better, a Cardboard-compatible Android handset with viewer, and will likely have a Gear VR available as well.

Freestyle Interactive Compo

This compo is for any hardware / software platform.  There must be both hardware and software components, though you don’t have to build the microcontroller hardware.  The compo machine counts as the hardware in the default case, otherwise please provide your own hardware or alternatively request a piece of equipment from our gear list prior to the party.

Examples of applicable entries range from video games all the way to large software controlled sculptures.


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