The full weekend registration price for @party 2012 will rise from $42.00 to $56.02 on May 10th. Saturday night only tickets will rise from $20.00 to $25.00. If you are thinking of attending, it is time to buy your ticket!
We will be offering concerts as in the past, as well as a variety of talks. We intend to do trophies this year as we did the first year, although the trophies themselves will likely be different for variety’s sake.
Just a reminder, registration ticket sales end June 11, and tshirt sales end May 30th.
The Channel Cafe will have a kiosk onsite to sell food and drinks to attendees; we will publish a menu as soon as it is finalized. Our early registrants (before May 1st, 2012) will get three free drink tickets.
If you are a student of any age receiving need-based financial aid, or an artist living near or under the poverty line, please contact us at to find out more about our scholarship program. We want to see you at the party!
Register at