Look ma, no glasses!
At @party 2014, you can do it in real 3D.
We’re very excited to have a Voxiebox at @party 2014!
The Voxiebox is a volumetric display designed for multiplayer gaming that can be viewed without 3D glasses from any angle.
Voxon will be providing entrants in our *new* Voxiebox compo access to their development SDK. For more information, view the compo rules.
Sean Kean or one of his colleagues from Voxon will also be joining us to speak at the party about this platform.
Other competition rules updates:
For demo and game development entries, you’re welcome to use a free engine such as Unity so long as the license is compatible with the general compo rules, you clearly state you’ve used it in your README, and you include any libraries necessary to run your entry from within your submission’s directory.
We’ve added Chrome as an option for Browser Demo.